10 Fun Facts about Segways!
1. Who did invent the Segway?
American entrepreneur and inventor Dean Kamen, born in 1951, New York USA
2. What was his initial goal?
To design a wheelchair that allowed its users to sit higher off of the ground, however this resulted in a product designed to revolutionize the way able-bodied people travel the streets. The wheelchair Kamen did invent though called iBOT was discontinued in 2009.
3. Did the inventor (Dean Kamen) fall off a cliff and die whilst riding his segway?
No, but the owner of the company that makes them did in 2010. Business man Jimi Heselden, 62 died after going over heavily tree-rooted terrain too close to the edge of an 80ft cliff.
4. When was the first Segway made?
July 27th 1999
5. When was it first publicly debuted?
December 2001 on Good Morning America
6. Where did the name ‘Segway’ come from?
The word ‘Segway’ is thought to originate from the word ‘segue’ which means ‘smooth transition’, however it is also known as a ‘personal transporter’
7. What does the Segway actually consist of/what is it made of?
The Segway is a two wheeled, self-balanced, electric vehicle.
8. How do you control a Segway?
Simply through pushing the handle bars to indicate the direction of the Segway. This is done by fluid-based levelling sensors and the gyroscopic sensors detecting the shift in weight.
9. When were segways first for sale to the general public?
On Amazon in November 2002
10. Segways are able to outpace the average squirrel... and pig…!
Desparate to have a go on a Segway? Book here!
The Telegraph: